# Clients
# Get all the clients
To get the list of all the clients in Wasi, you can count on the 'URI':
This should return a JSON
similar to this one:
"total": 2,
"0": {
"id_client": 1,
"id_user": "1",
"client_types": [
"id_client_type": 7,
"client_type_label": "Buscando"
"id_country": "1",
"country_label": "Colombia",
"id_region": "26",
"region_label": "Quindío",
"id_city": "63",
"city_label": "Armenia",
"id_client_status": "1",
"id_client_origin": 124,
"client_origin_label": "Portal Inmobliario",
"first_name": "Pepito",
"last_name": "Perez",
"birthday": "1980-12-12",
"identification": "11111111111",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "11111111",
"cell_phone": "31111111111111",
"address": "Calle 1 # 1-11",
"query": "",
"comment": "",
"reference": "",
"send_information": true,
"created_at": "2017-02-09 09:02:40",
"updated_at": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"tag": [
"id": 20,
"etiqueta": "Nuevo Cliente",
"color": "#eee"
"1": {
"id_client": 2,
"id_user": "1",
"client_types": [
"id_client_type": 7,
"client_type_label": "Buscando"
"id_country": "1",
"country_label": "Colombia",
"id_region": "26",
"region_label": "Quindío",
"id_city": "63",
"city_label": "Armenia",
"id_client_status": "1",
"id_client_origin": null,
"client_origin_label": "",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"birthday": "1955-12-12",
"identification": "21111111111",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "21111111",
"cell_phone": "3211111111111",
"address": "Calle 2 # 1-11",
"query": "",
"comment": "",
"reference": "",
"send_information": true,
"created_at": "2017-02-09 09:02:40",
"updated_at": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"tag": []
"status": "success"
# Filtering
The filters are optional, below are listed the existing filters for the client search.
Filter | Type | Detail |
query | String | Keywords to perform a search. |
id_property | Number | Id of a property the client belongs to. |
id_client_type | Number | Client type id, see the Client types section. |
id_client_status | Number | Client status identifier, see the section Client status. |
id_client_origin | Number | Client medium identifier, see section Client origin. |
id_user | Number | Unique identifier of the user (agent or administrator) in charge. |
# Paging and sorting
Filter | Type | |
skip | Number | Offset, indicates from where the records are displayed, 0 by default (from the start, without omitting any). |
take | Number | Limit, number of items to be listed, 10 by default (100 maximum). |
order | String | Can take two values asc (Ascending) and desc (Descending), ascending by default. |
order_by | String | Order by a specific criterion, full_name by default see order_by. |
# order_by
Value | Description |
full_name | Sort clients by full name. |
created_at | Sort clients by date of registration |
# Get a client
To get a client in Wasi, you can count on the URI
For a sample client whose id_client is 1, the URI
would be
This should return a JSON
similar to this one:
"id_client": 21,
"id_user": 9,
"client_types": [
"id_client_type": 7,
"client_type_label": "Buscando"
"id_country": 1,
"country_label": "Colombia",
"id_region": 26,
"region_label": "Quind\u00edo",
"id_city": 63,
"city_label": "Armenia",
"id_client_status": 1,
"id_client_origin": null,
"client_origin_label": "",
"first_name": "Jose",
"last_name": "Capera",
"birthday": "1991-12-19",
"identificacion": "1094123123",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "7400000",
"cell_phone": "3001231234",
"address": "Calle 12A #12-34",
"query": "",
"comment": "Interesado en el negocio",
"reference": "",
"send_information": true,
"created_at": "2016-12-11 17:12:12",
"updated_at": "2017-02-09 12:23:08",
"tag": [
"id": 20,
"etiqueta": "Nuevo Cliente",
"color": "#eee"
"status": "success"
# Add a Client
To add a new client in Wasi, you have the URI
After sending the parameters correctly you should return a JSON
like the one below:
"id_client": 123456,
"status": "success"
❗️ Important
The request can only be sent via POST, as it should be remembered that for all requests it is also necessary to send the access credentials, see Access Credentials.
# Client types
For client types there are some standard values public that can be taken by the client client_types (there are also private values that are customized by each company) the public values are:
To obtain the list of all the client types supported by Wasi and the ones customized by the company you must use the URI
This should return a JSON
similar to the following:
"0": {
"id_client_type": 1,
"name": "Comprador",
"nombre": "Comprador",
"public": true
"1": {
"id_client_type": 2,
"name": "Vendedor",
"nombre": "Vendedor",
"public": true
"2": {
"id_client_type": 3,
"name": "Arrendador",
"nombre": "Arrendador",
"public": true
"3": {
"id_client_type": 4,
"name": "Arrendatario",
"nombre": "Arrendatario",
"public": true
"4": {
"id_client_type": 5,
"name": "Propietario",
"nombre": "Propietario",
"public": true
"5": {
"id_client_type": 6,
"name": "Comisionista",
"nombre": "Comisionista",
"public": true
"6": {
"id_client_type": 7,
"name": "Buscando",
"nombre": "Buscando",
"public": true
"7": {
"id_client_type": 8,
"name": "Contacto Web",
"nombre": "Contacto Web",
"public": true
"8": {
"id_client_type": 9,
"name": "Codeudor",
"nombre": "Codeudor",
"public": true
"9": {
"id_client_type": 10,
"name": "Administrador",
"nombre": "Administrador",
"public": true
"10": {
"id_client_type": 11,
"name": "Inquilino",
"nombre": "Inquilino",
"public": true
"11": {
"id_client_type": 12,
"name": "Contacto Importado",
"nombre": "Contacto Importado",
"public": true
"12": {
"id_client_type": 13,
"name": "Comisionista",
"nombre": "Comisionista",
"public": false
"status": "success"
❗️ Important
For all the requests it is necessary to send credentials, for more information you can visit the section of Getting Started.
# Client origins
For client origins there are standard values public that can be taken by the client client_origin (there are also private values that are customized by each company) the public values are:
Value | Represents |
124 | Portal Inmobliario |
In order to obtain the list of all the collection media supported by Wasi and those customized by the company, the URI
must be used:
This should return a JSON
similar to the following:
"0": {
"id_client_origin": 124,
"name": "Portal Inmobliario",
"public": true
"1": {
"id_client_origin": 125,
"name": "Directo",
"public": false
"2": {
"id_client_origin": 126,
"name": "Feria Hogar Corferias 2018",
"public": false
"status": "success"
❗️ Important
For all the requests it is necessary to send credentials, for more information you can visit the section of Getting Started.
# Properties
# Relate to a property
You can relate a client to a property using both public and private client types, you can see them in the Client Types section.
To relate a property to a client you have the following URI
POST api.wasi.co/v1/client/#id_client/add-property/#id_property
This URI
also requires the parameter id_client_type, that is if we want to relate the client with id 1234 to the property 4321 and that the type of relationship is that this client is Owner (id 5 see Client Types), we should use the URI
for this:
POST http://api.wasi.co/v1/client/1234/add-property/4321?id_client_type=5
If everything is in order, this should return a JSON
similar to the following:
"status": "success"
# Update the type of relation to a property
You can update a client's relationship to a property with the following URI
POST api.wasi.co/v1/client/#id_client/update-property/#id_property
This URI
also requires the parameter id_client_type, that is if we want to change the relationship of the client with id 1234 to the property 4321, and the type of relationship to be Searching (id 7 see Client Types), we should use the URI
for this:
POST http://api.wasi.co/v1/client/1234/update-property/4321?id_client_type=7
If everything is in order, this should return a JSON
similar to the following:
"status": "success"
# Eliminate the relationship with a property
You can remove a client's relationship with a property by using the following URI
POST api.wasi.co/v1/client/#id_client/remove-property/#id_property
If we want to eliminate the relationship of the client with id 1234 with the property 4321 we should use the URI
for this:
POST http://api.wasi.co/v1/client/1234/remove-property/4321
If everything is in order, this should return a JSON
similar to the following:
"status": "success"
# Get the related properties
You can get the properties associated with a client with the following URI
If everything is in order, this should return a JSON
similar to the following:
"0": {
"id_property": 1234,
"title": "Propiedad 1",
"id_client_type": 5,
"client_type_label": "Propietario"
"1": {
"id_property": 1235,
"title": "Propiedad 2",
"id_client_type": 1,
"client_type_label": "Comprador"
"total": 2,
"status": "success"
# Filtering
The filters are optional, below are listed the existing filters for the property search.
Filter | Type | Detail |
id_client_type | Number | Client type identifier, see Client types. |
# Paging
Filter | Type | |
skip | Number | Offset, indicates from where the records are displayed, 0 by default (from the start, without omitting any). |
take | Number | Limit, number of items to be listed, 10 by default (100 maximum). |
❗️ Important
For all the requests it is necessary to send credentials, for more information you can visit the section of Getting Started.
# Contact
You can generate a client contact using the URI
If everything is in order, this should return a JSON
similar to the following:
"id_client": 123,
"new_client": false,
"status": "success"
❗️ Note
The returned value new_client indicates whether a new user was created with the contact.
# Parameters
The parameters for sending the contact are as follows.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
String | Yes | Email of the client making the contact. | |
first_name | String | Yes | Client's name |
last_name | String | No | Client's last name. |
phone | Number | Yes | Phone number. |
id_country | Number | Yes | Country identifier, see Countries. |
id_region | Number | Yes | Identifier of a region, see Regions. |
id_city | Number | Yes | City identifier, see Cities. |
comment | String | No | Client comments. |
send_information | Boolean | No | Boolean value (true or false) that indicates if the client wishes to receive information by email. |
id_property | Number | No | Unique identifier of a property. |
id_client_type | Number | No | Identifier that indicates the type of client, see the section Client types. |
❗️ Note
If the id_property parameter is sent, the client will be associated with the property. If additional to id_property is sent send_information with true value, an email will be sent to the client with the information of the indicated property.
❗️ Important
For all the requests it is necessary to send credentials, for more information you can visit the section of Getting Started.
# Offer
You can generate a client's offer via the URI
If everything is in order, this should return a JSON
similar to the following:
"status": "success"
# Parameters
Los parámetros para el envío de la oferta son los siguientes.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
String | Yes | Email of the client making the offer. | |
first_name | String | Yes | Client's name |
last_name | String | No | Client's last name. |
phone | Number | Yes | Phone number. |
id_country | Number | Yes | Country identifier, see Countries. |
id_region | Number | Yes | Region identifier, see Regions. |
id_city | Number | Yes | City identifier, see Cities. |
comment | String | No | Client comments. |
send_information | Boolean | No | Boolean value (true or false) that indicates if the client wants to receive information to the email. |
❗️ Important
For all the requests it is necessary to send credentials, for more information you can visit the section of Getting Started.
# Send to a friend
You can generate the sending of a recommended property to a friend through the URL
If everything is in order, this should return a JSON
similar to the following:
"id_client": 123,
"new_client": false,
"status": "success"
❗️ Note
The value returned new_client indicates if a new user was created with the contact.
# Parameters
The parameters for sending to a friend are as follows.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
String | Yes | Email of the contact to whom the message is sent. | |
first_name | String | Yes | Name of the contact to whom the message is sent. |
last_name | String | No | Name of the contact to whom the message is sent. |
phone | Number | No | Number of the contact to whom the message is sent |
id_country | Number | No | Country identifier, see Countries. |
id_region | Number | No | Region identifier, see Regions. |
id_city | Number | No | City identifier, see Cities. |
from_name | String | Yes | Name of the person sending the message |
comment | String | No | Text sent in the message. |
id_property | Number | Yes | Unique identifier of a property. |
❗️ Note
If the id_property parameter is sent, the client will be associated with the property. If additional to id_property is sent send_information with true value, an email will be sent to the client with the information of the indicated property.
❗️ Important
For all the requests it is necessary to send credentials, for more information you can visit the section of Getting Started.