id_property | Number | No | Unique property identifier. |
id_company | Number | No | Unique identifier of the owner company, it can be your own company or an allied company. |
id_user | Number | Yes | Unique identifier of the user associated with the property, see the Users section. |
for_sale | Boolean | Yes | Boolean value (true or false) that indicates whether the property is available for sale or not |
for_rent | Boolean | Yes | Boolean value (true or false) that indicates if the property is available for rent or not. |
for_transfer | Boolean | Yes | Boolean value (true or false) that indicates if the property is available for exchange (transfer). |
id_property_type | Number | Yes | Identifier that indicates the type of property, see the Types of Property section. |
id_country | Number | Yes | Property country identifier, see the Countries section. |
country_label | String | No | Name of the country of the property. |
id_region | Number | Yes | Property region identifier, see the Regions section. |
region_label | String | No | Name of the region of the property. |
id_city | Number | Yes | Property city identifier, see the Cities section. |
city_label | String | No | Name of the city of the property. |
id_location | Number | Yes | Property location identifier, see the Locations section. |
location_label | String | No | Name of the location of the property. |
id_zone | Number | Yes | Property zone identifier, see the Zones section. |
zone | String | Yes | Name of the zone of the property. If no id_zone is sent, a new zone is created with this field. |
zone_label | String | No | Name of the zone of the property. |
id_currency | Number | Yes | Property currency identifier, see Currencies section. |
iso_currency | String | No | Three letter capital iso code representing the currency, see the Currency Types section. |
name_currency | String | No | Currency name, see the Currency Types section. |
title | String | Yes | Title of the property. |
address | String | Yes | Property address. |
area | Number | Yes | Indicates the total area/surface/terrain of the property, see the Areas section. |
id_unit_area | Number | Yes | Identifier of the unit of measurement of the area of the property, see the section Areas. |
unit_area_label | String | No | Name of the unit of measurement of the area of the property, see the section Areas. |
built_area | Number | Yes | Indicates the constructed area of the property, see the Areas section. |
id_unit_built_area | Number | Yes | Identifier of the unit of measurement of the built area of the property, see Areas section. |
unit_built_area_label | String | No | Name of the unit of measurement of the built area of the property, see Areas section. |
private_area | Number | Yes | Indicates the private area of the property, see the Areas section. |
id_unit_private_area | Number | Yes | Identifier of the unit of measurement of the private area of the property, see Areas section. |
unit_private_area_label | String | No | Name of the unit of measurement of the private area of the property, see Areas section. |
maintenance_fee | Number | Yes | Value of the maintenance or administration fee of the property. |
sale_price | Number | Yes | Sale price of the property. |
sale_price_label | Number | No | Sale price of the property formatted with the currency symbol. |
rent_price | Number | Yes | Cost of rent of the property |
rent_price_label | Number | No | Cost of rent of the property formatted with the currency symbol. |
bedrooms | Number | Yes | Number of rooms in the property. Number from 0 to 29. |
bathrooms | Number | Yes | Number of bathrooms on the property. Number from 0 to 9. |
garages | Number | Yes | Number of garages on the property. Number from 0 to 29. |
floor | Number | Yes | The number of floors in which the property is located or the number of levels it has, can be an empty value or a number from 1 to 60. |
stratum | Number | Yes | Social stratum, used in Colombia, see the section Social stratum. |
observations | String | Yes | Observations of the property. |
video | URL | Yes | URL of Youtube or Vimeo with a video of the property |
id_property_condition | Number | Yes | Identifier that indicates the condition of the property, see the Property Conditions section. |
property_condition_label | String | No | Name of the condition of the property. |
id_status_on_page | Number | Yes | Identifier that indicates the status of the property on the website, see the States section on the property's website. |
status_on_page_label | String | No | Name of the state on the property's website. |
map | String | No | Google maps coordinates (latitude and longitude) of the property, see the Publish in Google maps section of the property |
latitude | String | Yes | Google maps latitude of the property, see the section Publish in Google maps of the property. |
longitude | String | Yes | Google maps longitude of the property, see the section Publish in Google maps of the property. |
building_date | Number | Yes | Year of construction of the property. |
network_share | Boolean | Yes | Boolean value (true or false) that indicates whether the property is shared in the real estate network or not. |
visits | Number | Yes | Number of visits to a property, see section Property visits. |
created_at | Date | No | Date of creation of the property. |
updated_at | Date | No | Date of modification of the property. |
reference | String | Yes | Internal property reference. |
comment | String | Yes | Internal property comments. |
id_rents_type | Number | Yes | Identifier that indicates the type of property rental, see the Rent Types of Property section. |
rents_type_label | String | No | Name of the rent type of property, see the Rent Types of Property section. |
zip_code | String | Yes | Zip code of the property. |
id_availability | Number | Yes | Identifier that indicates the availability of the property, see the section Availability of the property. |
availability_label | String | No | Name of the availability of the property, see the section Availability of the property. |
id_publish_on_map | Number | Yes | Identifier that indicates the type of publication on Google maps, see the Publish in Google maps section of the property. |
publish_on_map_label | String | No | Name of the type of publication in Google maps, see the section Publish in Google maps of the property. |
main_image | Array | No | Array with information of the main image associated to the property. |
galleries | Array | No | Array with the image galleries associated to the property, see the section Image galleries of the property. |
features | Array | Yes | Internal and external characteristics associated with the property, see the section Property features. |
portals | Array | Yes | Active portals for synchronization with the property, see the Allied portals section. |
label | String | Yes | Personalized label assigned to the property. If it does not have a label assigned to it, it returns an empty string. |